Patch Notes - 05.05.2024
Bug fixes
Added a fix for player trading
Fixed a small zoom bug with the minimap buttons
Fixed some CS shoes having the wrong categorie in wiki
Fixed a bug where a player would dismount after another player kills a mob nearby
Fixed a bug where piercings wouldn't load correctly on server restart
Stuff changed
Changed max piercing for all one-hand weapons + shields from 10 to 5
Increased respawn rate of all monsters (except bosses)
Stuff added
Added a dedicated sound tab in the option window
Added new sound sliders
Added a rework for tab target in Siege
Added a text cooldown overlay on buffs in taskbar + under HP bar
Added a tickbox option to turn on/off monster level tags
Added a "inventory full" message when having a pick-up active
Added a weapon level system
Stuff removed
Removed Tower section from Monster Wiki
Last updated