Patch Notes - 02.04.2023
Bug fixes
Fixed world boss system not able to despawn bosses
Fixed arrows not having the correct class
Fixed a bug where pick-up pets wouldn't appear after Dark Illusion
Stuff changed
Implemented better DPS meter (with commands; /dps /ClearDPSLog /PrintDPSLog, saving dps to file in client)
Player can now only open a shop in Saint Morning & Darkon
Improved code for hiding simple party window
Reduced anarchy buff costs
NPC [Travel Manager] Bilbo now sells general items
Reduced size of item rarity grade edge icons
Changed blade weapons to max piercing of 5
Stuff added
Implemented Boss Mechanics system (for future use)
Bosses now have a different navigator icon
Added Databaseserver + Worldserver to BugSplat
Last updated