Patch Notes - 18.11.2023
Bug fixes
Potentially fixed a client crash with the party window
Fixed a bug where you would stay in fly mode when dieing
Potentially fixed a client crash with FTOOL options not saving correctly on creating a new character
Potentially fixed the monster glitch problem (needs more testing)
Stuff changed
You no longer gain a lot of exp when the level difference with a monster is too high
Between 2 and 5 level difference; exp = 0.50x
Between 5 and 10 level difference; exp = 0.25x
Between 10 and 15 level difference; exp = 0.10x
15+ level difference; exp = 0.05x
Party Window; the check button for the finder is now grayed out if you're not a party leader
Changed the text in the party window button tooltips
Server and Client are both 64 bit only now
Updated the GetTickCount function (for checking time) to 64 bit (this way the server doesn't need a restart every few weeks)
Stuff added
Added extra resolution support (1600x900 + 2560x1440 + 2540x1400)
Stuff removed
Disabled custom Dark Illusion shader (not working with 64 bit)
Last updated